Summer is around the corner as we are in Gemini season. Gemini can be fun, mischevious, or carelessness may becoming the theme. It's important to know both sides of coin not rush into judgement with its mercurial ability to disseminate. It's wise to adapt and adjust during mutable month to start off your summer on the right path.
Venus/Sun/moon make precision conjunction energy at 16 degree that can either be fun or a spell for trouble forming stressful Tsquare with nodes. Saturn forms the tension energy to the new moon can make people restless and bothered by bombardment of information/news from different avenues. It's indication to dial back and practice calmness. New moon at 16 degree associate with numerology 7 (1+6 =7). 7 is about creativity and intuition. Your creativity and intuition will be heighten with Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini. Expansiveness of Jupiter and information gathering ability of Mercury can be overwhelming in Gemini. It's important to keep things simple while utilize ideas into attainable goals.
Mars and Uranus in Taurus may reveal internal issues among our job market and overall economy. More repos and unemployments will arise as our middle and low income earners are tapping out.
Healthwise, Gemini rules shoulders, arms, hands and lungs. Due to change of the season, for those who have health issues related to Gemini may take advantage of this energy to seek help or remedy. I personally visit Chinese medicine dr once a week to remedy old injuries sustained from playing competitive sports. My right foot is about 95% healed. I am ecstatic!
I hope everyone uses Gemini energy to find that kids playfulness again. Have a great week ahead!