It's interesting to see how dramatic and dynamic news cycle have been since Mars conjunct Uranus aspect happened since July 13: assassination of Former President and candidate, volatility of real estate market and liquidity crisis with banks, and issues with auto industry and aviation. 2nd full moon in Capricorn re-affirmation on pursuing realistic goals and purpose despite the news. It's time to put the focus on tidy up any area of life requires more attentions.
29 degree is the final degree of each zodiac sign. It's the last cycle to find balance (2+9 = 11 = 1+1 =2). Signifying mastery of the environment (sign) the planet is in. Full moon happens on 29 degree Capricorn while Neptune at 29 degree in Pisces (Home sign) with Mars at 00 in Gemini and Pluto at 00 Aquarius. Awakening and shaking energy of Mars/Uranus conjunction has the ripple effect to shake up our reality to be more grounded and authentic facing the world.
Some people may go thru strings of struggle and wondering when the struggle will be over. This energy is determined to build you from ground up. It's a sign to shed your old habits, especially your perception and mindset. It's time to sharpen up that mindset to be more malleable, adaptable, and humble despite many struggles. Once you utilize this full moon energy to reset, you can be sure changes can happen swiftly without knowning. Instead focusing on blames, use the effort in problem solving. We have enough problem creators in the society (Delusionals/scapegoats) We need more problem solvers and becoming a "plus". Neptune Retrograde brings up the issues right in front of us. It's up to us to have the courage to confront with grace. Mars(Gemini) makes supportive energy with Pluto(Aquarius) at 00 degree represent the brand new start and opportunity for individual to have collective impact by taking that intiative.
Uranus makes minor grand trine energy with Neptune and Pluto empowers us to make necessary good changes to help us to restart on career, relationship and life. We are in uncharted territory with many incoming dynamic changes till end of this decade. Embracing the waves by mastering the challenges given to you as dose of lesson each day. May this summer be the productive one for everyone. Cheers!!!